My clay bisque didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, everything kind of fused together which made it look sloppy but the box held and so it can still hold. 
color portrait painting rubric

I can create a clay project of uniform thickness; with sculptural details that are also of uniform thickness so it will dry, handle, and fire without breaking.

I can slip and score and securely attach clay to clay so that it stays attached.

I can create a unified sculptural form with a details of interest on all sides and the top of the project.

I can design in three dimensions by using three dimensional details (not linear ones)  these 3D forms will create designs with  shadows and highlights.

I can design and create a unified form where the surface design and all sculptural details will enhance the whole by reflecting or contrasting with the form.

Total 24/25

color portrait painting rubric

I can re-sketch my pencil drawing for a painting with the correct proportions – head shape & feature placement

I can softly define features with the correct size in relation to each other and the head

I can create a unified image with a sense of emphasis on the face or part of the face.

I can indicate three dimensions by using complementary colors for shadows and highlight.

I can paint with defined brush marks so I create clear textures for skin, hair and any other details.

Total 25/25

Pencil portrait drawing rubric


I can draw a face with the correct proportions – head shape & feature placement

I can draw features the correct size in relation to each other and the head

I can create the illusion of three dimensions by drawing around the surface of the face to create the form of a head.

I can indicate light by using a scale of values for shadows and highlights

I can draw with the pencil and not smudge so I create clear textures for skin, hair and any other details.

Total 24/25



Impressionist landscape drawing rubric

I can upload on my website two separate  photographs with my finished drawings

I can draw big shapes to represent a landscape with foreground, middle-ground, back-ground & sky

I can create the illusion of three dimensions by using relative size, overlap and value changes. Things in front will be larger and more detailed

I can indicate light by using complementary colors for shadows and highlights

I can draw with the chalk and not smudge so I have a thickly drawn image with lots of contrast.

Total 24/25

In this unit I have learned to use the light value scale to create a realistic looking drawing using only chalk on paper. In the last drawing of the tree the assignment was to take a picture around the school and use it which is what you see in the last one, a tall tree with Mt. Si in the back ground. I found this unit to be a great learning experience because I never really worked with chalk in the past besides a few assignments in middle school, it was never a main unit an I enjoyed slowing down and being able to get a better idea of the challenges and uniqueness of chalk drawings. 
